12 Technology Cost Optimization Strategies to Reduce SaaS Costs

As a CFO or CTO, you’re no stranger to the constant pressure to reduce costs and optimize your organization’s technology spending.  In the face of inflation and the threat of recession, it can be tempting to make hasty decisions that may seem like a quick fix but could ultimately harm your business in the long… Continue reading 12 Technology Cost Optimization Strategies to Reduce SaaS Costs

SaaS Shadow IT Silently Drains Your Budget: How SaaS Management Platforms Can Help

Every day the number of SaaS applications in shadow is increasing — where your IT and procurement teams are not looking.  A recent survey found that 80% of employees use unapproved software applications for work purposes. This unauthorised use of cloud services, often without the IT department’s knowledge, is known as SaaS shadow IT.  Shadow… Continue reading SaaS Shadow IT Silently Drains Your Budget: How SaaS Management Platforms Can Help

SaaS Spend Optimization: 10 Proven Ways to Reduce Software Costs

Let’s talk about something that’s been keeping a lot of businesses up at night—increasing SaaS costs. Those subscription fees add up quickly!  According to recent reports, 57% of IT teams are feeling the pressure to cut back on their SaaS spending. And it’s not hard to see why. While shifting to SaaS can potentially reduce… Continue reading SaaS Spend Optimization: 10 Proven Ways to Reduce Software Costs

The CFO’s Guide to Tech Spend Optimization: Best Strategies and Tactics

Businesses across industries are investing heavily in technology. A significant portion of their revenue is allocated to software, hardware, and various tech solutions. And it makes sense considering the role of tech in streamlining operations. According to estimates from consultants and research firms like Deloitte, small and medium-sized businesses allocate 6% to 8% of their… Continue reading The CFO’s Guide to Tech Spend Optimization: Best Strategies and Tactics

Everything You Need to Know About SaaS Spend Management in 2024

SaaS, or software as most people call it, has become an integral part of modern business operations. With the flexibility and scalability they offer, it’s no wonder that organizations of all sizes are looking for more and more SaaS solutions. However, as the number of SaaS applications within an organization grows, so does the cost… Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About SaaS Spend Management in 2024