SaaS Shadow IT Silently Drains Your Budget: How SaaS Management Platforms Can Help

Every day the number of SaaS applications in shadow is increasing — where your IT and procurement teams are not looking.  A recent survey found that 80% of employees use unapproved software applications for work purposes. This unauthorised use of cloud services, often without the IT department’s knowledge, is known as SaaS shadow IT.  Shadow… Continue reading SaaS Shadow IT Silently Drains Your Budget: How SaaS Management Platforms Can Help

Master SaaS Lifecycle Management in 2024: A Go-to Guide

Businesses are rapidly moving towards cloud-based solutions to streamline every operation. However, this rapid adoption has led to a proliferation of SaaS applications, giving birth to new challenges in managing these diverse tools effectively.  According to a Gartner report, companies are investing in an average of 125 different SaaS applications, spending over $1,000 per employee… Continue reading Master SaaS Lifecycle Management in 2024: A Go-to Guide